Tuesday, June 06, 2006
[Internet Marketing Solutions] How to choose your internet marketing mentor
We’ve all been there. Our business has begun to feel more like an albatross than an escape from cubicle-land. We entertain fantasies of life with a paycheck and benefits...and someone else paying for the paper clips. The phone has grown cobwebs and we find ourselves opening a piece of junk mail, hoping it’s just an overzealous client who really needs our help. “Ah,” says our rich and successful friend Hermione. (She’s really a Good Witch in disguise.) “You need a mentor.” “Great! You can be my mentor,” we say innocently. “Hee-hee,” cackles Hermione. “Where did you get that bizarre idea? These days you have to pay dearly for mentors. “Business is now a two step process," she continues. "First, bank a cool million dollars. Then get your next five million by telling everyone else how you did it, and why they can too.” “But Hermione,” we say, “we know you’re a Good Witch. We see lots of people out there who look like wizards, angels and our favorite camp counselor, all rolled into one. How do we know they’re the Real Deal?” “Oops,” says Hermione, “it’s time for me to say good-by. My own guru – er, mentor – told me to spend 99% of my time with people richer than I am. So unless you have an inside connection to Donald Trump, we are so over.” We start to realize Hermione isn’t such a Good Witch after all. So here are a few of Cathy Goodwin’s hard-won tips to choosing your own marketing mentor (and scaring away the witches and wannabes). (1) Decide what you need from a mentor. Most mentors fall into one of two categories: motivation and information. If you need inspiration and accountability, you may get frustrated with someone who gives you information, and vice versa. (2) Choose a mentor who screens her followers. I’m biased, but I’ve been far more satisfied with mentors who wanted to know more about me than, “Will your Visa credit line cover my fees?” An experienced mentor won’t be afraid to turn away clients who don’t fit their Ideal Client Profile. Who needs more grief? (3) Ask who will be mentoring you. You’re heard “Victoria’s” voice on countless teleseminars. You’ve bought each and every one of her wonderful tapes. But when you sign up for the big-bucks program, you’re assigned to work with “Arnie,” a staff coach the Big Name has trained. Give Arnie a chance. Arnie may be more dedicated and helpful than Victoria, who’s gotten bored with mentoring but can’t bring herself to walk away Some Big Names choose strong colleagues so they can keep learning. But if you google Arnie’s name and get a big fat zero, ask why he’s worth the big bucks you thought you were paying Victoria. (4) Ask yourself: Will you take your feet off the bottom? A marketing guru can give you ideas and inspiration. She can raise your thinking to a whole new level. He may give you one five-minute tip that more than pays for the cost of the entire program. But for real success, you need to be ready to step outside your comfort zone. Marketing consultants are like swimming instructors. At some point you have to jump into the water, take your feet off the bottom of the book and let go of the edge. In the swimming world, some people never let go. Me, for instance. I never did take my feet off the bottom for more than about three seconds. Who needs the beach? I take winter holidays and do the culture stuff. If you’re as happy in your comfort zone as I am on dry land, skip the mentor and let your business evolve at its own pace. (5) Ask your mentor the single most important question you can come up with: “How are you continuing to learn and grow?” Unless someone’s constantly taking proactive steps to growth, he’s moving backwards. One reason to hire a mentor: Your mentor keeps learning and paying for his or her own mentors. The best consultants, coaches and mentors I’ve seen are also the most proactive about their own learning. This article is based on my Special Report, How to Choose an Internet Marketing Guru. Learn more. Are you ready to turn your lazy, good-for-nothing website into a powerhouse profit center that works 24/7? Start here. |