Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Success means getting tough with your calendar

How can you tell who's on track to success?

My answer: The way they talk about time.

Recently I met a competent, likeable professional I'll call Louis. It takes awhile to realize just how good he is. Louis tosses off comments about new clients, success and increased income. He gets glowing thank you letters from clients.

And he says, "I really need more clients."

So how does Louis spend his time?

he belongs to a business group that's built more on friendship than networking. He belongs to Toastmasters. He volunteers in his community. He coordinates refreshments for parties.

And he's considering hiring an expensive coach to move his business to the next level.

What's wrong with this picture?

Louis is already a good-enough (or more than good-enough)speaker. Sometimes a Toastmasters chapter will be a good source of referrals. More usually, chapters don't attract decision-makers or independent business owners who can hire Louis.

Louis needs to guard his time ruthlessly. We all need social outlets, friends and family. But it's easy to remain in activities that no longer fit our needs.

When you're a new networker, groups like Toastmasters make a lot of sense. You get a safe space to develop your skills. You practice speaking. For some, lifelong membership contributes to personal and professional goals.

But at some point you have to ask whether Toastmasters (or BNI or your business group) continues to contribute to your growth.

I belong to a group of women business owners that seems to be a good source for what I want: speaking engagements and clients. But I've met other business owners who have left the group because it's no longer working for them.

That's the point. You're not destined to outgrow a particular group. And I recommend giving every new group 3 to 6 months to get to know you.

But every 3 to 6 months, stop and ask yourself, "What have I gained from this group? Have I learned something I can use in my business? Made contacts? Grown? Do I feel good after a meeting -- recharged and energetic? If not, time to move on."

Those who succeed get tough with their own apppointment calendars.

P.S. I've put together an irreverent 21-day time management program that (readers tell me) actually works! Click here to learn more:

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