Friday, July 27, 2007


Congratulate your clients: they've made a wise choice

Last February, I handed out my card after a speaking event. That version of my card included my photo.

One of the attendees pointed to the card and stated loudly, "Cathy, you must get new pictures. You don't look like this."

More than one marketing consultant has made the same point. Go to a professional photographer. Get some good pictures taken.

At first I used to tell the truth. I just take horrible photos. Back when I had a "real" job, my department sent us to a "real" photographer for PR photos. Everyone else looked like a model. I looked like a prison matron with bad hair.

But I finally gave in. I found a nice-sounding photographer on craigslist. His portfolio seemed great. Our session was fun. We all agreed: my dog, Gracie, could be a model.

Then I got an email message. "Cathy, you were a great subject. You were so brave and you are a good sport."

Needless to say, I'm already dreading the photos. And I learned: he's not a marketer. Needless to say, I dread opening the CD.

What can we all learn?

(1) Congratulate your clients at every step.

Increasingly we're seeing welcome messages that begin, "Congratulations!" rather than "Thank you."

(2) Remind clients they're receiving value.

As you deliver your service or product, summarize the value you are presenting. Often your client will express appreciation for what you did.

(3) When you honestly cannot deliver value, stop. Issue a refund or turn down the client before the first appointment.

Twice I signed up for teleseminars that did not deliver value for me. Each time I received a refund and the sponsors were extremely gracious. But I respect those programs and related products and continue to promote them as an affiliate. We just were not a good fit.

(4)Identify realistic, concrete outcomes your clients can anticipate.

Often a program or membership group will focus on process. "Two networking meetings a month." "You will feel empowered and successful."

Better: "When you follow the steps outlined in our program, you will add dozens of new sign-ups to your list." "You can expect to see higher on your Alexa rankings within 30 days."

(5) Find ways to document your client's progress.

After working with clients for 3 months, I like to go back to review their very first emails. Clients are surprised at how far they've come.

We tend to distort our memories - it's part of having a human brain. It's fun to compare a client's current situation ("I'm choosing between two specific businesses or careers") with where they were 3 months ago ("I have been going in circles for the past 3 years -not getting anywhere.")

To learn more, check out
Lifetime Streams of Income With Heart Soul and Chocolates on the Pillow.

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