Monday, July 23, 2007


New Copywriter: Should I charge?

Q: I just took an online copywriting course. How do I know if I'm ready to start charging others for writing copy?

A: Some of the leading gurus say, "You are your own best customer. If you're a good copywriter, sell your own products and services."

I agree. Start with selling yourself. When you start attracting customers and clients with your own copy, go ahead and charge others.

In my case, I've had people come to my site and buy my ebooks *before*they sign up for my ezine. I've sold as much as $100 to first-time visitors. I sold a few copies of my time management book before I had a chance to add testimonials.

These people didn't know me. I'm not exactly famous. If they bought from me, they must have responded to my copy.

So I have no qualms about charging for my copy. I could spend a few hours, write some copy and sell my own ebooks. Or I could sell an affiliate's products and earn a commission.

Bottom Line: I would say, you're ready to charge when you make money from your own products OR an affiliate product.

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