Sunday, September 02, 2007


Revenge of the tire-kickers?

Friday I sent out a solo mailing to my list, with the subject, "Invasion of the Tire-Kickers." I thought it was kind of cute. The idea is that you prepare for tire kickers by writing copy that will convert them to buyers.

No dice.

I guess it was too cute...or too much like copy?

Here's what I said. I had fun with it ... now, there's a warning sign:

Has your site experienced the Invasion of the Tire-

These Intra-Terrestrials come to your website, skim
your home page, and maybe read an article or two. Then
with just a click of the finger, they're off again, on
their way to another location in cyberspace.

How can you trap them on your page? How can you
transform the Invasion of the Tire-Kickers into a
community of raving fans and fun-loving buyers?

The answer (drumroll, please): your copy. Over and
over, the top Internet multi-millionaires say, "Copy
is the Number One skill you need on the Internet."
I've heard these words from Tom Antion, Perry
Marshall, Derek Gehl's seminar leaders, and many
others who walk the talk.

And that's where we come in. Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero,
acclaimed copywriting mentor, will be offering her
boot camp starting just next week. Lorrie knows how
to de-mystify copywriting better than anyone I know. I
learned from her myself. She makes it fun and even
adds a touch of Hollywood glamour.
Learn more.

You see, Tire-Kickers secretly want what you have (if
you've scoped them out). They will put on the brakes
and reach for their credit cards when they see a
headline that touches their heart or a bullet point that
pierces their soul.

Be warned: This course is not for sissies. It's
called Boot Camp for a reason. After all, you'll need
to be in shape when the Tire Kickers come. So you get
assignments, drills, contests... the energetic
equivalent of push-ups and pull-ups.

But you will emerge with copy that will bring you
immediate rewards and results. My ebook sales soared
immediately after I applied what I learned.
LStart here.

Copywriting Camp starts next week. It's none too soon.

September is coming. The Tire Kickers will be
preparing for a massive invasion as the weather cools
and vacations end.

LWill you be ready?

P.S. As a special bonus, register through my link and
get a complimentary 45-minute call to add value to
what you've learned.
LAdd value.

P.P.S. I work with Lorrie as a copy coach so you will
get tips from me throughout the boot camp, at a
fraction of the investment to hire me personally.

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